* * * FRACTION FONTS IN COREL DRAW! * * * FRACTION FONTS work great in Corel DRAW!, too. You can make them yourself from the FRACTION FONT PostScript outlines using Corel's WFNBOSS utility. They're ready to work in Corel DRAW! as soon as you exit WFNBOSS. To get you up and running quicker, two are pre-made and included in FRACFONT.EXE. They're named TIF____B.WFN and TIF____E.WFN. In other words, a Baseline Fraction Font and an Extended Fraction font -- just like the PostScript fonts. To begin installation, copy these two WFN fonts to the directory where your other Corel WFN fonts are stored. After copying the fonts, you'll have to modify the CORELDRW.INI file to let Corel DRAW! know where they are there so the fonts will be listed in Corel's font list scroll box. To do this, open CORELDRW.INI with any ASCII text editor (Notepad works fine) and add the following two lines under the [CorelDrwFonts] heading: TmsFraction:b=1 TIF____B.WFN 0 TmsFraction:e=1 TIF____E.WFN 0 Note: It makes no difference where under the [CorelDrwFonts] heading these lines are located. But, to make finding them easier, I position them just below "Times". (Corel calls this font "Toronto" to avoid crossing copyright fences.) That's all there is to getting FRACTION FONTS into Corel DRAW! If you have any questions, comments, or criticism, feel free to contact me on CompuServe [76526,1457]. Or, drop me a note . . . Douglas M. Lidster White Dog Communication Services 1912 325th Lane Adel, Iowa 50003 CIS [76526,1457]